๐Ÿ”„ Mergers & Acquisitions in the Office Technology Industry


The office technology industry is at a crossroads, grappling with two major trends: the decline in page volume and the rise in mergers and acquisitions (M&As). Amidst the challenges posed by the pandemic and economic conditions, M&As have continued unabated. The article categorizes these into three types: OEM acquisition of dealers, dealer acquisition of dealers, and private equity investment/acquisition of dealers.

“Economically speaking, dealers are in the best position in todayโ€™s industry.”

(Source: The Imaging Channel)

The focus is shifting from private equity to dealers acquiring other dealers, who are in a better economic position to leverage M&As for growth. For copier dealers and managed print services providers, understanding these M&A dynamics is crucial for strategic planning.

Understanding these dynamics is not just beneficial but crucial for anyone looking to make informed decisions in the office technology sector. Don’t miss the chance to leverage this trend to your advantage.

๐Ÿ”— Read the full article here

Greg Walters, Head Writer