🖨️Dura Software’s Move into the Copier World | The Evolution of Office Work | Update in HP Scan Lawsuit


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August 24, 2023

Dura Software’s Expanding “Hyper-Niche” Galaxy

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Paperwise Joins the Constellation

Dura Software is on an aggressive acquisition spree, recently announcing its 14th addition, Paperwise, to its ever-growing portfolio. This acquisition is the third for Dura Software this year, underscoring its intent to broaden its footprint in the document management sector. Dura’s expertise lies in acquiring, owning, and operating “Hyper-Niche” software businesses. Their portfolio boasts names like 6Connex, SecureVideo, dbtech, and more, each bringing unique value to various niche markets.

Dura Software’s verticals span a wide range of industries, from event management with 6Connex, telehealth solutions via SecureVideo, to hospital document management through dbtech. Other notable verticals include customer engagement with Moki, maritime communication via Nordic IT, and sales optimization with Revegy. This diverse range of verticals showcases Dura’s commitment to catering to the specialized needs of various industries, further solidifying its reputation as a diversified software conglomerate.

“Dura Software continues its aggressive acquisition strategy with the announcement of its 14th portfolio company, Paperwise.”

The State

Paperwise, known for its industry-agnostic document management platform, Symphony, boasts features from forms to workflow automation. This versatility makes Symphony a sought-after solution across diverse enterprise sectors. Paul Salisbury, Dura Software’s CEO, expressed enthusiasm about the acquisition, highlighting Paperwise’s industry knowledge and innovative solutions that align with Dura’s mission.

For office technology providers this trend of industry outsiders acquiring niche solution providers is noteworthy. It’s a clear indication that the landscape is shifting, and there’s an opportunity to pivot into new markets. By collaborating with smaller entities backed by fresh investments and being part of a diverse service and solution portfolio, copier dealers can explore new avenues and ensure sustained growth.

Press release, here.

– Greg Walters, Head Writer

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Update on HP’s Inkless Scanning Dilemma

HP Struggles to Dismiss Class Action

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HP, the renowned tech giant, recently faced a hurdle in its attempt to dismiss claims suggesting that its multifunction printers’ scanners cease to function when the ink levels are low. This controversy has stirred up quite a buzz in the tech community, with many users expressing their concerns and frustrations.

The allegations against HP revolve around the idea that the company intentionally designed their multifunction printers to “brick” or disable the scanning feature when the ink cartridges are nearing depletion. This move, if proven true, could be seen as a tactic to push consumers to purchase replacement ink cartridges sooner than they might have otherwise.

HP, on its part, has vehemently denied these claims, stating that they have always prioritized customer satisfaction and that such a design flaw, if it exists, is unintentional. However, the court has decided that there’s enough merit in the claims to warrant further investigation.

The implications of this case are significant. If HP is found guilty, it could face substantial penalties and a potential blow to its reputation. Moreover, it could set a precedent for other tech companies, urging them to be more transparent and customer-centric in their product designs.

Furthermore, the hybrid model, especially popular in sectors like tech and finance, offers a mix of productivity, employee satisfaction, and cost savings. The flexibility it provides has even been shown to reduce employee turnover rates by a notable 35%.

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For now, all eyes are on the court proceedings, and the tech community awaits a verdict that could reshape the dynamics of consumer-tech company relationships.

Seattle Times article, here.

– Greg Walters, Head Writer

The Evolution of Office Work

A Double Win for Copier Dealerships

Source: Unsplash

In an era where the traditional office is becoming a thing of the past, businesses are reimagining their operational models. A recent study by Stanford University’s Nick Bloom highlights this transformation, indicating that the age-old five-day office routine might be on its way out.

Historically, the full-time in-office model was the gold standard. But the COVID-19 pandemic, an unexpected game-changer, pushed organizations to explore work-from-home and hybrid models. The outcome? These new models often outperformed the age-old office setup in terms of productivity and efficiency.

Now, with work-from-home projected to account for about 25% of workdays, a significant shift from 2019, the landscape of work is undeniably changing. This metamorphosis is not just about the decline of full-time in-office work but the rise of more adaptable hybrid and fully remote work models.

Here’s where it gets interesting for copier dealerships: the hybrid model, which combines in-person collaboration with remote work benefits, is creating not one, but TWO distinct work environments. Each of these environments demands unique technology solutions. While the location of work is evolving, the need for functionality remains constant. This shift presents a golden opportunity for copier dealers and managed services providers. As businesses save on traditional office costs like rent and furniture, their budgets for top-notch hybrid and in-home technology solutions are likely to expand.

Furthermore, the hybrid model, especially popular in sectors like tech and finance, offers a mix of productivity, employee satisfaction, and cost savings. The flexibility it provides has even been shown to reduce employee turnover rates by a notable 35%.

While fully remote work models have their own set of advantages, the real winner here is the hybrid model. It’s not just about cost savings but about optimizing productivity and tapping into new technological opportunities.

In essence, the future looks bright for copier dealerships and managed services providers. As businesses transition, these providers stand to gain immensely, capitalizing on the needs of both traditional office spaces and remote work environments.

The message is lucid: the office landscape is evolving, and those ready to adapt will not only survive but thrive.

Source, here.

– Greg Walters, Head Writer

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