🤨December 14 Quiz🎄


🎓 Test Your Knowledge: The Office Tech Tap Quiz! 🎓

Based on the passage, “Navigating MPS Revival: Insights from Your Managed Print Services Association,” what is the main argument of the article?

a) Managed Print Services are obsolete and should be abandoned.
b) Managed Print Services are experiencing a resurgence and offer significant value in today’s business landscape.
c) Managed Print Services are exclusively beneficial for environmental sustainability efforts.
d) Managed Print Services are only useful in government operations.

According to the article “Leaping Over the Roadblocks: Challenges in the Digital Transformation Journey,” which of the following is NOT a common challenge that can derail digital transformation efforts?

a) Lack of agility and adaptability
b) Resistance to change from employees
c) Absence of a clear vision
d) Insufficient leadership and collaboration

According to the article “The Story of Managed Print Services,” what is one of the NEW opportunities for MPS providers identified by Eric Crump, MPSA President?

a) Device-centric management
b) Cybersecurity
c) Hybrid work solutions
d) Printing from remote locations