The Evolving Landscape of Managed Print Services – 2023


Redefining the ‘M’ in MPS: From Managed to Modernized

Executive Summary:

  1. The Managed Print Services (MPS) industry is at a pivotal crossroads, grappling with the need to evolve from a hardware-centric model to a more holistic, software-driven approach.
  2. Companies like MyQ are pioneering this transformation, offering cloud-based platforms that integrate seamlessly with existing IT infrastructures.
  3. A significant gap exists between IT decision-makers and office workers on the future of print, highlighting the industry’s urgent need to adapt.

The Managed Print Services (MPS) industry is at a fascinating juncture, a point where it must either adapt or risk becoming obsolete. “65% of IT decision-makers believe paper will still be important to the workplace by 2025, compared to just 36% of office workers,” notes a recent study by Quocirca. Source This disconnect underscores the industry’s urgent need to evolve.

“Printed documents are still integral to many processes in these businesses. Managed print services shift the burden for managing large deployments of printers, copiers, scanners, and fax machines from in-house staff to the service provider.”

Xaas Journal

One shining example of this adaptation is MyQ’s Digital Workplace Assistant, a cloud-based platform that goes beyond mere printing. It offers advanced scanning workflows, secure cloud-based document storage, and meets the demands of a hybrid workforce. MyQ is essentially redefining what MPS can offer, moving beyond mere printing to a holistic approach that includes document management and workflow optimization.

Adding another layer to this complex landscape is the growing emphasis on sustainability. Modern businesses are not just looking for cost-effective solutions; they are also seeking eco-friendly options. “Print vendors must become a strategic partner to IT decision makers and lines of business,” the Quocirca study further elaborates.

As the MPS industry stands at this crossroads, its choices today will shape its future. Will it cling to its hardware-centric past, or will it embrace the software-driven future? The winds of change are blowing, and they bring with them a host of opportunities and challenges. How the industry navigates this will set the course for its future – a future that could be as promising as it is uncertain.

For a deeper dive into this topic, including insights from industry leaders and real-world examples, read the full article here.

Greg Walters, Head Writer